Senior advisor to the International Road Federation
Client: International Road Federation
Global Road Links is advising the International Road Federation on its flagship event coming up in November 2021, the 18th IRF World Meeting. The World Meeting is being organised in collaboration with host organisation Road & Transport Authority of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The responsibilities include strategic advice on topical themes to be on the WM agenda, development and implementation of a communications strategy and outreach to relevant target audiences.
![HVT logo](https://globalroadlinks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/HVT-logo.png)
Transport Research Quality Assurance Services
Client: HVT Applied Research Programme
In collaboration with the University of Birmingham, Civil Engineering Department, Global Road Links is providing quality assurance services to the FCDO-funded High Volume Transport applied research programme. This includes peer review of research outputs on themes related to Climate Change (mitigation and adaptation) and Inclusive Transport and assessments of the quality of technical content, presentation and editorial quality.
Research on China’s policies to address transport air pollution
Client: Springer
Based on a desk study, Global Road Links contributed a chapter to a book edited by Professor Emeritus Thomas Brewer, Georgetown University School of Business, entitled: Transport Air Pollutants: Black Carbon and Other Emissions (Springer, 2020). The chapter addresses the current air pollution situation in China and the contribution of land transport to this situation. A key trigger event for stepping up policy efforts in China was the “airpocalypse” in 2013, where PM2.5 pollution caused a persistent toxic smog and low visibility over Eastern China, leading to public outcry. The chapter provides an overview of policies and legislation in place to improve air quality and reduce transport air pollution, and a preliminary assessment of their effectiveness. Data for the study was drawn from various publicly available sources, including the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the International Energy Agency and the World Health Organisation.
Consultancy services and data analysis
Global Road Links is providing consultancy services to FAIRCAP humanitarian and innovation-design enterprise in the field of socio-economic data analysis of clean drinking water for low-income communities, emergency relief situations and refugee camps.
FAIRCAP’s mission is to design and develop innovative technology re-use filters at the lowest cost, providing clean drinking water without sediments and bacteria. Filters have been tested at the Swiss Bachema AG and University of Barcelona Virus Water Contaminants Labs.
Study of institutional and funding models for the Uganda Road Fund
Client: Uganda Road Fund
In partnership with IMC Worldwide, Global Road Links is providing technical assistance to the Uganda Road Fund (URF) to research and investigate optional approaches in present use in developed, developing and transition economies to advice on the range of funding and administrative approaches in use for road asset management. This includes legislative and institutional basis, funding arrangements, approach to and extent of road user involvement and the governance arrangements.
![Recap Photo](https://globalroadlinks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Recap-Photo-1024x826.jpg)
Research for Community Access Partnership (ReCAP)
Client: Cardno Emerging Markets UK Ltd
The Research for Community Access Partnership (ReCAP) is a 28 M£ research programme funded by the UK government (DFID) promoting safe and sustainable rural access in Africa and Asia. ReCAP supports knowledge sharing between participating countries to enhance the uptake of low cost, proven solutions for rural access that maximise the use of local resources.
EU transport research and investment proposals
Client: European Commission, Climate Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (CINEA)
Evaluation of research proposals (e.g. safe and connected automation in road transport; intelligent transport systems, road infrastructure investment projects) in the framework of the Horizon Europe, Innovation Fund and Connecting Europe Facility programmes.
![IBEC Pic](https://globalroadlinks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/IBEC-Pic.jpg)
Surveying the use of ITS evaluation evidence in decision making
Client: IBEC
Joint research with AustriaTech and HITEC on investment decision making for new and existing smart transport technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
The results have been published as Chapter 2 on "ITS Evaluation policy - Culture and Needs" in: Lu, M. (ed) (2016). Evaluation of Intelligent Road Transport Systems: Methods and Results. London, United Kingdom: Institution of Engineering and Technology (ITE).